Our daughter wants to be a vet when she grows up. She used to want to be a mom when she grew up, but she's changed her mind...we'll see how many more times it changes! So, with this career choice influencing her, she asked for a vet birthday party.
How to Host a Vet Birthday party:
1. Ask all your friends to bring a favorite stuffed animal friend.
2. When all your guests have arrived, have them introduce their stuffed friend (name, how long they've had them, where they got them, etc).
3. Have a tag, collar, and leash table ready for the girls! I pre-cut leashes and collars out of scrap fleece fabric. I chose fleece because it doesn't fray, and it's usually in the scrap section at JoAnn's. We lucked out and found puppy paw fleece! I also pre-cut 4 inch squares of colorful card stock. And you need a few spools of ribbon, hole punch, markers, and scissors.
4. Tell the guests that before they enter the vet's office, their animals need new leashes, collars, and tags so that they don't get lost. Have the girls make name tags out of the card stock in any shape they choose. Cut out the shape, hole punch a hole, write the name on the tag, and feed through a piece of ribbon. Tie the ribbon onto the collar fabric. Tie the collar fabric on the animal. Tie the leash onto the collar.
5. Invite the guests to join you in the vet office! For the office, I set up three tables that were labeled: bumps and lumps check, eye and ear check, weight and height check. We also had a crate set-up and told the girls the bed was the surgery center. When they entered the vet office, I gave them a clip-board with a check-in paper for them to fill in their animal's information.
6. After the vet office, they came back to the dining room to play pin the tail on the dog.
7. We finished the party off with milkshakes!
What a fun party idea! Love it! Happy belated birthday to RG!
I had never heard of a vet themed birthday party before. This seems so adorable! I hope I get the chance to do something like this when my daughter becomes old enough to want themed parties.
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