
I asked her to get ready for dance class today. While I was in the shower, she came in to tell me that she was in her ballet outfit. I peaked, said great!, and asked her to put on her other clothes on top of her leotard and tights so that she wouldn't be cold on the way to class. After I got ready, I saw her run down the stairs. The outfit was SO unique that I had to take a picture of it.

Let me tell you what she has on:
1. Leotard with tutu
2. Ballet tights
3. Leopard print pants
4. Silver sparkly skirt
5. Pink knee highs, over the pants so that you can fully see the pink in them that's "so pretty"
6. Sparkling light up shoes
7. Polka dotted fleece jacket
8. Homemade necklace that says: Cat Best Friends Dog
9. A big, proud smile!

We stopped at Home Depot before going to ballet. My husband was a little worried if the socks were too much.


DandW said...

We love the outfit!! The acorn didn't fall far from the tree!!!
Love all three!

Kim said...

Awesome!Looks familiar - Claire doesn't fall far from your tree either! :)

Matt & Carrie said...

She is adorable...what's wrong with her outfit???