Giving frames new life

Tuesday's Take Time to Care - In my daily life, I focus a ton on nourishing my family's bodies through food. In the past few years, I haven't done as great of a job nourishing my spirit. My hope is that on Tuesdays I can remind myself how to take the time to exercise, do art, connect with a friend, do a good deed for another, or see the world through someone else's eyes.

I am no Martha Stewart. However, I'd like to think that I have some ability to make something out of nothing. A long time ago I bought some frames at Eddie Bauer Home. After using them in various rooms in our homes, they ended up in my daughter's rooms. Then, I got really, really sick of them. So I spray painted them. And framed them in ribbon!

(The before: In her nursery - two houses ago - before I put in colorful pictures)

(The Not-Yet-Finished: Spray painted white)

(The After: Framed with ribbons to match her newest room)

Despite not having the Martha Stewart gene, I think this project turned out great! It cost me $2.50 for the ribbon and $3.50 for the spray paint. The frames look great filled with colorful family pictures! And, I feel accomplished after doing this little project!!!!  

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